Say Hi!

This song has given countless shy children a playful context for practicing saying "hello" and beginning to learn the "how to's" of social interaction.  Greeting and welcoming others is a basic building block for the building of community.  You can use this song in your classroom or family to take this social skill to a whole new level. 

Themes: Shyness, social interaction, courage, community, social skills

Themes: Shyness, social interaction, courage, community, social skills

Say Hi!

Did you know some folks are shy
When it comes to sayin' hi!
They feel funny deep inside and they turn their heads away
They think no one wants to meet ‘em
And nobody really needs ‘em
So when you go up to greet ‘em they turn their heads away

You've gotta stand up tall
Gather up a smile
Take a big breath
Look ‘em in the eye and say "Hi!"

So take it from your dog or cat
They've got their hellos down pat
Meow, meow, meow, woof, woof, yap, yap, they don't turn their heads away


So when someone is sayin' hi!
And its your turn for feeling shy
You might want to run and hide but don't turn your head away


So when you're walking down the street
Say hello to those you meet
Don't be looking down at your feet
You've got to look ‘em in the eye and say "Hi!"

© 1986 Smilin' Atcha Music, Inc.

Written by Red and Kathy Grammer



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