Rapp Song

This song is a fun way to explore our diversity and our oneness.  The many different languages in the world supply an endless diversity of phrases that all say "hello".  The playful juxtaposition of same and different helps children understand that there is always more than one way to do a thing and that there is always so much to learn from others./p>

Themes: Diversity, Language, oneness, hellos


Rapp Song

 Rapp Song

Now all across this big, wide world
There are lots of boys and lots of girls
With different eyes and different noses
Different hair and different clothes
It's a magical thing, it's a wonderful game
We all look different but we're all the same
Now the differences are great and the differences are small
But that's just part of the beauty of it all
We're all like notes that make up a song
We need everybody so come on sing along

Hello (hello) Hola (hola) Jambo, Jambo
Gan lowee lay mun ho ma

Now some folks think that they are the best
They don't know how to get along
They say the heck with the rest
So they go their own way and they do their own thing
But the song sounds weak when its time for them to sing
But if you gather up folks from all kinds of places
With different ways of talking and different color faces
There's something special each one brings along
And when they all sing together, now you really got a song


So open up your eyes and take a look around
There's all kinds of kids that live in your town
Some you know, some you don't
But one thing's for sure
You've got to get to know them all
That's what friends are for
‘Cause the differences are great and the differences are small
But that's just part of the beauty of it all
We're all like notes that make up a song
We need everybody so come on sing along


NOTE:  Chorus translation

"Jambo" is "hello" in Swahili.

"Gan Lowee Lay Mun Hoh Ma' is a formal way of saying "How have you been lately?" in Cantonese.

© 1986 Smilin' Atcha Music, Inc.

Written by Red and Kathy Grammer



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