My House

For young children the "world" is made up mainly of their home.  This song, from Red's recording for the very young. "Can You Sound Just Like Me?", is a charming look at hat world through children's eyes.

My House

I live in a house, I live in a house
If you wanta get in or you wanta get out
That's what my front door's about
So come on now and follow me into my house

I live in a house, I live in a house
My house has windows so I can see
The sunshine come shinin' in on me
I can watch the birds sitting out in the trees
I look at them, they look back at me in my house

I live in a house, I live in a house
And in my house there's a kitchen
And in my kitchen there's a refrigerator
The refrigerator keeps my milk ice cold for
When I want to pour it on my Cheerios in the morning

I live in a house, I live in a house
And in my house I have my room
And in my house what do I see
I see my bed where I go to sleep in the evening
And next to the bed is my dresser tall
And in my dresser I keep my clothes
I put on my clothes when I get up in the morning

I live in a house, I live in a house
There's a record player and it plays songs
When Daddy puts the records on
And sometimes I like to dance along to the music
And there's a shelf for the books I like to read
Sometimes Mommy read ‘em to me
Just before I go to sleep in the evenin'

I live in a house, I live in a house
And in my house there's a bathroom
And in the bathroom there's a tub
Where I take my bath with a bar of soap
I rub that soap all over me
I wash my tummy and I wash my knees till I'm all clean

I live in a house, I live in a house
Sure is nice to have a place to go
When I play all day and I end up so
Tired that I just want to go to bed
In my house

© 1983 Smilin' Atcha Music, Inc.

Written by Red and Kathy Grammer




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