Music teachers love Red’s songs because they are of the highest melodic and lyrical quality and it doesn't hurt that they are performed by “the best voice in childrens’ music” (Parents’ Magazine). For tie-ins to curriculum and social skills/character education programs please see the Teacher Page. You will be happy to know that Red has mix-minus performance tracks for many of his songs and as well as a Teaching Peace songbook with guitar and piano accompaniment.
Classroom teachers love Red’s songs because they help build a cooperative classroom culture and energize and enhance everything they are brought to. Research unequivocally shows that music is good for the brain. Use it in your classroom to wake up, stimulate and enliven your students’ focus and presence of mind. Don’t worry about having to be musically proficient to use music in your classroom. Children are much more excited and engaged by your enthusiasm than by your talent.
Simple call and response songs
Pile Up Songs
Songs That Kids Can't Wait To Learn
Irresistible Melodies
Game Songs
Beautiful Songs