The quality of having good will;being unselfish and thoughtful to others
Activity 1: Kindness Cookie
Little kindnesses add up to create a sense of belonging, caring, and pride. If kindnesses are not present then nothing holds people together and a group doesn't feel like a safe, sweet place. In this Lesson a large cookie represents the class. The cookie should be plain. Tell the students that there is a character trait that can change this class from a plain cookie to one filled with sweetness. Take a container of frosting and tell the students that frosting represents “kindness” and that kindness is something that we will need to be the glue to hold our class together all year long. Then add the following kindness toppings:
“Smiling at everyone when we come into the classroom” add crush m n' m's
“Helping a classmate with a math problem”:.add rainbow sprinkles
“Cheering each other on in gym”:...add crushed peanut butter cups (if no one is allergic)
“Sharing”:...add chocolate sprinkles
“Doing nice things for each other”:..add mini marshmellows
Now you have a cookie that is filled with sweet kindness. Divide the cookie into small pieces and give a small piece to each child. Have them taste the cookie for its sweetness. Remind the students that you would like them to be filled with kindness and they will be as sweet as the class cookie!
Another way to do this is to make an ice cream sundae. We usually order dixie cups and then have the students dump the ice cream from the dixie cup into a bowl so that they can add the toppings of “kindness”.