
  • camera
  • construction paper
  • sign language for the chorus to I Think You're Wonderful (see below)
  • rings to bind construction paper together.
  • The song, I Think You're Wonderful from Red Grammer's recording, Teaching Peace


  • I think you're wonderful
  • When somebody says that to me
  • I feel wonderful
  • As wonderful can be
  • It makes me want to say
  • The same thing to somebody new
  • And by the way I've been meaning to say
  • I think you're wonderful, too

Chorus with Signs:

In the chorus above the underlined words are the words that you will sign in the song. 
Listed below is how to sign those words

I Pinkie pointing up, hand is placed at the chest.

Think point to your temple

You're point away from yourself

Wonderful Throw both open hands up, palms facing forward

Says The index finger, pointing to the left, is held in front of the mouth and rolls forward in a circular movement.

Me point to yourself

Feel Place the tip of the middle finger against the chest with the other fingers extended; draw it up a short distance.

Be The letter "B"  is held against the mouth.  Move it away from the mouth, still in an upright position.

Makes Right fist on top of left fist; Turn them in opposite directions and strike them together again. Repeat several times.

Want Place both curved hands in front of you. palms up and draw them toward you several times.

Somebody Hold up the right index finger and shake the arm back and forth slightly, left to right. Palm side may face forward or self.

New The left hand open hand faces up;the back of the right open hand brushes across the heel of the left from right to left.

Way Place both open hands in front of you, fingers pointing forward and palms facing each other; move both hands forward with a slight zigzag motion.

Meaning Right hand makes a "V" like "victory". The fingertips of the right handed "V" are placed against the left open hand, the "V" facing out; the "V" is turned and again placed into the palm, the "V" facing in.

Too Pinkie and thumb are out; move hand forward and backward.


  1. Play the song, I Think You're Wonderful, for students to learn.
  2. Teach the students the sign language to the chorus of I Think You're Wonderful.
  3. Take a picture of students performing the sign language to I Think You're Wonderful and glue the pictures to construction paper.
  4. Hang the pictures on the bulletin board in the correct order.
  5. Later on, take the pictures down and put them together with rings to form a book.  Students can take turns bringing the book home to share with their families.

NOTE:  A teacher form Philomath, OR sent this idea to Red.  If you would like to share one of your classroom activities using Red Grammer's songs you can send it to

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