I'm All Filled Up

Kids can't resist this happy "call and response" sing along.  It is a simple expression of the gratitude, contentment and peace of mind that comes from being filled up with the light and love of a Bucket Filling community.

Musical/Mirroring Bucket Filling Cups

For Older Students


  1. Plastic cup for each student
  2. Semi-circle Styrofoam ball
  3. Construction paper
  4. Patterns for stars and hearts
  5. Pipe cleaners
  6. Hole punch
  7. Toothpicks or make slits in Styrofoam


  1. Trace stars and hearts and cut out
  2. Glue Styrofoam semi-circle into top of cup
  3. Add the hearts and stars to the cup by either setting the stars and hearts into slits in the Styrofoam ball or attach toothpicks to hearts and stars and push the toothpicks into the Styrofoam ball
  4. Punch 2 holes opposite each other at the top of cup
  5. Slip one end of pipe cleaner in one hole and the other end of the pipe cleaner into the other hole so that the pipe cleaner becomes the handle to the bucket.


  1. Play the song, "I'm All Filled Up" and point out how the children repeat what Red sings.
  2. Have students listen to the beat that plays in the background.
  3. Have students pair up or get into groups and create some background music to the song with their cups. Kids love to play cups to music. They can come up with some really good sounds. The cup sounds could be played during the repeated phrases sung by the children in the song.
  4. Have students share with the rest of the class.

For Younger Students


Same as above


Same as above


  1. Tell students that they are going to play the mirror game using their cups (buckets).
  2. Play the song and the teacher moves the cup a certain way while Red sings the line. The students imitate the teacher's move while the children on the recording repeat Red's line.  Do this a couple of times.
  3. On the same day or on another day, have the students sit in pairs facing each other. this time they take turns playing the mirror game with each other using their cups while the song is playing.



“Red Grammer Live Weekly Family Concert"
Thursday 9am (PDT)— Facebook.com/redgrammermusic

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Red Grammer Concerts

“Belief, resilience, and joy fill his music.” Parent's Choice