Materials Needed
1. “Hooray for the World!” – From the recording Teaching Peace
2. 10 Shirts – Large man's short sleeved button down white shirt with a pocket
3. The following animals:
These can either be store bought, made by the students, or brought in by the students. (I used TY Babies® and bought slugs in the fishing department of Wal-Mart™)
• Buffalo |
• Beaver |
• Bug |
• Bee |
• Bear |
• Poodle |
• Jellyfish |
• Bat |
4. The following foods or containers that would have these foods:
• Stick of salami |
• Empty container for Chinese food with chopsticks |
• Wedge of cheese |
• Bagels with lox |
• Bottle of maple syrup |
• Corn on the cob |
• Basket of mulberries* |
• Bag of miniature size boxed raisins |
* I can never find mulberries, so I use cranberries
5. Artwork for the following people:
• Mom |
• Aunt |
• Gramps |
• Dad |
• Brother |
• Neighbors next door |
• Uncle |
• Sister |
• Kids down the street |
• Grandma |
(You can use the pictures that we've provided at the end of this lesson, the children can draw their own person, or you can have the children bring in a picture of that person for each shirt.)
Each shirt will have one animal and one person to go with it. I like to number the shirt on the inside of the neckline.
Shirt #1 needs a buffalo in the pocket & the Mom on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #2 needs a bee in the pocket & a Dad on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #3 needs a jellyfish in the pocket & an Uncle on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #4 needs a beaver in the pocket & an Aunt on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #5 needs a bear in the pocket & a Brother on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #6 needs a bat in the pocket & a Sister on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #7 needs a bug in the pocket & a Grandma on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #8 needs a poodle in the pocket & a Gramps on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #9 needs a slimy slug in the pocket & Neighbors next door on the back of the shirt.
Shirt #10 needs a slimy slug in the pocket & Kids down the street on the back of the shirt.
1. 10 children with the 10 shirts line up left to right and face the audience. The shirts are buttoned down the front and the animals should already be in the pockets. For little children I would make big pockets on the front of the shirt so that the animals can go in and out easily.
2. Put on the song “Hooray for the World!” As the first verse begins, #1 will pull out his buffalo, dance with it, show it off, etc. Follow through until you get to #9 and 10. These children will pull the slimy slugs out of their pockets and wave them in each other's faces as if they are trying to scare each other.
3. For the chorus: As Red sings the children will do the following movements. “Hooray for the World! I'm glad to be on it” – punch up with right hand fist, and repeat 2 more times. “We've got mother nature and the human race” – clap hands, bring up, and to their sides.
4. For the food verse, you will have students in the audience. When their food is mentioned, the children stand up, holding up their item of food. When you get to raisins in a box, the student tosses them out to the audience (Kids love that!).
5. Repeat the chorus.
6. The children are still up on stage standing left to right. When Red starts to sing “We've got moms…” the first child turns around to show the Mom on the back of the shirt. Follow procedure all the way down the line. All children remain with their backs to the audience until Red gets to the line where he sings, “Everywhere you go you've got new friends to meet.” This is when all 10 children turn back to the audience, waving to them.
7. Repeat the chorus.
People Pictures
Click on the images below to see a large image. You can print the large images.
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Mom |
Dad |
Uncle |
Aunt |
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Brother |
Sister |
Grandma |
Gramps |
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Neighbors |
Kids Down |