The Guy With The Polka Dotted Tie

Red recorded this charming little song after his son, David, fell in love with Michael Feinstein's recording of it.  This playful ditty, written in 1943, is a great example of the songwriting mastery of Jule Stein and Dol Meyer.  From Red's award-winning Favorite Sing Along Songs CD

The Guy With the Polka Dotted Tie

Whatever happened to the guy with the polka dotted tie?
He could sing so very high
He used to sing top tenor in the old quartet
Then he met a soprano from the Me-tro-po-litan O-per-a.
They sang together for a while
Then she marched him down the aisle
He surrendered to her smile
They settled down in a town that isn't on the map
And they lived together very hap-pily ever after
So that's what happened to the guy
With the polka dotted tie
And the girl that he met and the Met

© 1943 Chappell Co.

Written by Jule Styne and Dol Meyer



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