Fun and Silly Songs

Every classroom needs joy and laughter in the daily mix to keep children present in the moment and alive to the exciting process of learning new things. Here are some great Red Grammer songs to use when you need a “brain break” with your students...

Down By The Sea - comes with fun motions! (video)

Hello World - learn the sign language! (video)

Barnyard Boogie - do the clucking! (video)

Hooray For The World - (video)

Shake Your Brain

Can You Sound Just Like Me? - (video)

Heading On Down To The Barn

Place In The Choir

Rattlin' Bog

Two Hands, Four Hands

Tickle Song -(video)

Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea

Big Rock Candy Mountain

Buono Appetito


“Red Grammer Live Weekly Family Concert"
Thursday 9am (PDT)—

Red Grammer Concerts

Red Grammer Concerts

“Belief, resilience, and joy fill his music.” Parent's Choice