Teaching Peace March

Learn the song Teaching Peace. Sing and spiral march. The spiral march comes from the Native American Snake Dance. The teacher begins leading the march in a large circle spiraling toward the center. When the spiral is tight, march in place. Have the children count the sound off section with the tape. On “So take my hand” the teacher starts moving to the reverse the spiral. The spiral is easy to do and is best taught by doing it rather than explaining it. You can use cardboard drums, flutes, horns, and cymbals for the kids to march with. You can march around a shadow screen.

Teaching Peace Quilt

Give each student a square piece of paper. Have them illustrate something that makes a peaceful situation (students sharing toys, taking turns on playground equipment, etc). Mount each picture on a square sheet of colored construction paper or on a square sheet of wallpaper that is slightly larger than the drawing paper. Arrange squares on a bulletin board to resemble a quilt.

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